Best Recipes Ideas: Tropical Fruits Home-Made Marmalade

Dear Alice,

Today I would like to share with you a delicious recipe, and that is the “tropical fruits home-made marmalade” recipe.

I do not know if you are very familiar with marmalade recipes, but this marmalade recipe will be hard for you to forget once you have tried it. At least this is how it happened in my case. So do give it a try! You can have the marmalade for breakfast with bread and butter, with pancakes or even use it for cakes when baking. It is simply delicious (it is also adapted from one of Hofer’s Supermarket Magazine 🙂 )!
So here is the recipe: quite fast and easy, if you want to try it :).

  • Ingredients:
    • 1 Pineapple
    • 1 Coconut
    • 1 Mango
    • 1 Big Orange 😀
    • 1 Lemon
    • 1 Lime
    • Gelling Sugar
  • Preparation
    • Just follow the steps described below and have fun!

  • Peel the pineapple.

  • Cut the pineapple in small pieces and add it to a pot.

  • Peel the mango, cut it to pieces and add it to the pot with the pineapple.

  • Open the coconut and pour the coconut juice in a bowl.
  • Cut the coconut in small pieces and add it to the pot to the pineapple and mango pieces.

  • In parallel, in another pot filled with water prepare the jars for the marmalade: take 3 big jars and 3 small jars and add it to the pot with water (water in the pot should reach half of the jars). Boil the jars in the pot with water for 2-3 minutes to sterilize them.

  • This is how the coconut juice looks like after you opened the coconut 🙂 .

  • Press the juice from the lemon, orange and lime and add it to the pot with mango, pineapple and coconut.

  • Bring the pot with the tropical fruits to the stove and start boiling it at medium heat.

  • While boiling, add the coconut juice to the pot of tropical fruits.

  • Let the fruits boil.

  • Add the gelling sugar, i.e. around 1 cup as above.

  • Let the fruits boil with the sugar.

  • After approximately 30 minutes, add the boiled fruits to a mixer and mix them together.

  • Let the mixed fruits boil for another 10-15 minutes.

  • When the marmalade is done, add it to the jars as above and let the jars rest up-side-down for like 5 minutes.

  • These are the jars with tropical fruits marmalade, delicious (I always have some left overs which do not fit any jar, but it is always okay for tasting).

And that is: enjoy it: I can hardly wait for my next breakfast with the tropical fruits marmalade 🙂 .
Sincerely yours,

