Simple Tips to Help Protect our Planet: We are “Guardians of the Earth”

Dear Alice,

A couple of weeks ago I had the chance to participate to the “Diagonale Festival of Austrian Film”. It was a very emotional and unforgettable experience that arose a lot of feelings, which were unfortunately partially long forgotten, that I was very happy and very proud to revive and that I would like to share with you today.

Together with a friend, we watched the very intricate and successful documentary film “Guardians of the Earth”, which will officially be released into the Austrian cinemas at the end of this year, due to some political factors that I choose not to discuss here. Still the movie and its main theme are very contemporary and they refer to the 2015 UN climate conference in Paris, its main goals, its development, its results and its possible consequences on our life and our planet. If you are interested in the subject just follow the link of the movie: “Guardians of the Earth”.

Since the theme of the movie was climate changes and the environment protection, I would like to draw my attention on this subject as well. You could ask me why, and this is a very good question I would gladly like to answer. Because I often find myself in those situations when I so dearly want to help protecting the environment even with little baby steps. Yes there is enough pollution that is most likely endangering the life of our planet and we should become more and more aware of this factor and try to help as much as we can. No we do not have to do this in an extreme way, but I do think that we as inhabitants of this planet are the main responsible for its survival and we should help in preserving its life. We have the duty to care and to be educated on our environment and those small steps that we can take to help it.

So here are some simple tips to help protect our planet by helping preserve its environment, simple things that we can all follow or try to follow whenever we have the chance to (trying is just as good as doing):

  1. Invest in Eco Friendly House Appliances (such as washing machines, dishwashers, freezers). Even if those items may cost you a bit more in the beginning, they are a better long term investment for the environment and for you as well, as the Eco friendly house appliances use less energy while being in use.
  2. Eco Washing: Always choose the Eco modes when using the washing machine or the dishwasher. In addition, it is a good practice to start the washing machine or the dishwasher only when they are full. The Eco modes functionalities take a longer amount of time to finish but they will consume less energy. So along with making a contribution to the environment you will also save some money for your own benefit.
  3. Recycling:
    • Waste Recycling: What I mean here is everything concerning waste recycling at home: always separate plastic, paper, glass, cans, bio waste, residual waste and use the corresponding containers in your building or your neighborhood for doing this and for ensuring that the process is successful. If those containers are not available for you in your building or your neighborhood, try to find out what could be the reason for this and try to get in contact with the responsible authority in your neighborhood to raise their awareness. Still, nowadays in the EU these containers have to be provided by the responsible authorities to all the citizens, so these cases  should be isolated, still do not  exclude them or ignore them.
    • Electronic Waste (such as batteries, computers, television, radios): Before buying a new computer, a new phone or a new television, try to see whether you can repair them or reuse them, and if you really decided you need new ones (it can happen of course and it is okay I would say from my point of view), then do recycle the old electronics to the conform authority in your area. If you do not know who this authority is, do find out and become aware of their recycling policies. For the used batteries it is even easier, we always gather them at home and then recycle them at the Interspar Supermarkets or the Obi Markets here in Austria. I am sure there is something similar in your area also, just be aware of this and find these authorities.
    • Clothes Recycling: Just as important as waste recycling or electronic recycling, clothing recycling is now even easier than you think. You can recycle your old clothes in stores such as H&M or Calzedonia. I am sure you are familiar with them, they are quite popular almost everywhere in the world.
    • Educate Yourself on Recycling: There are a lot of resources out there available for you concerning recycling and how you can apply it in your home and in your everyday life, just take the time and the patience to educate yourself in this direction and also try to always be receptive. Here are some sources that can be helpful for you: Recycling Basics for the Home, Recycle Your Clothes, E-Waste Recycling Process.
  4. Buy products in the farmers’ markets as often as you can: Even if you will not always find the time to go shopping for food to the farmers’ markets, do try to pass these markets as often as you can. The farmers are using bio environmental techniques to produce all of their products, so encouraging them is a tremendous step on the long term. It is also a very nice way to spend your mornings in the weekends for instance.
  5. Walk or cycle as often as you can: This can be a difficult one, but I mean it should be applied as often as you can. I also think we should not exaggerate with this rule or be extreme, and say okay now we only have to use the bicycle or to go by foot when this does not make any sense at all. You can choose a rule for you and you can work with it, like for instance you could try to not use the car at least one day per week, as for example on Sundays. Or every second Sunday. I think this will make a difference.
  6. Use as few plastic bags as possible when packing or shopping: This one is quite easy and you can apply it right away. If you noticed there are plastic bags almost everywhere when going shopping in the supermarkets for food or when going shopping in the stores for clothes or other decorative objects. Try to avoid those plastic bags, use either your own bags or even paper bags. Those paper bags may be a bit more expensive but they are making a big difference.
  7. Use the electricity at home or in the office only when is really needed: We can often identify ourselves as consumers of electricity even though we do not really need it. So do think twice before making abuse of power consumption, but do not make a misuse of this so that you can endanger yourself or your family and acquaintances in any way.
  8. Raise the Awareness Concerning Environmental Protection in Your Family, in Your Circle of Friends and Acquaintances: A very important tip is to raise the awareness concerning environmental protection so that more and more people have the will to begin to educate themselves on this matter. It is not easy, but it is worth doing it. And this will make a difference on the long term.
  9. Do Not Feel Guilty If Every Now and Then You Will Distract Yourself From the Eco-friendly Rules. We are all humans, and we make mistakes. So if sometimes you will not follow exactly the Eco-friendly rules that help preserve our environment, do not feel guilty. Just think about applying those rules the next time you have the chance. Always try to be a better inhabitant of the planet and try to protect it. This is a big step for all of us.

And always keep in mind, start with little steps and continue in any way that fits better for you. Even the smallest contribution can have a big impact on the long term preservation and protection of our planet. We are the “guardians of the Earth” and we are proud of having won such a title 🙂 .

Just look at this view…I would say it is definitely worth our contribution to preserving it!

Sincerely yours,

